If you are looking for a cheapest courier service from Nepal to Canada than we are here to help you, Yes ! we provide cheapest way to send a parcel to USA from Canada. There are many things we courier to Canada every day from Nepal, people need a secure and reliable shipping service for courier to Canada which can deliver their parcel from Nepal to Canada. We provide free pickup & free packaging in Nepal with proper documentation including secure transit during shipping to Canada. We provide online parcel tracking system after your shipment from Nepal to Canada.

Hi my name is kyamuddin ali ansari from butwal, nepal.
I m currently in australia and i want to send certain goods from butwal to australia , the place where im now
Please call us 9851150534
can I send medication to my friend who is living there in Canada ?
Hi Swodesh, thank you so much for the message. Unfortunately, we don’t send medications to Canada.
Hello we want to parcel cigarette packs to our friends in Canada. Can you confirm at if we can courier or not. If we can courier at what quantity we can courier.
Sorry, sending cigarettes is prohibited 🚫
Which carrier are you using to Canada? I have to send a painting to Canada! Thanks.
Thank you so much for the comment. We are using UPS carrier to send package from Nepal to Canada. Please contact us for further details.
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